Friday 6 May 2011


So, something really quite peculiar has arisen. Contrary to the title of this blog, it appears that I am no longer redundant! Please join me in playing the link below and doing a wee boogie around the room....

That song is suprisingly long... apparently Kool and The Gang are capable of marathon celebrations!

Just in case you wanted to know how funky I got during the last four minutes and fifty nine seconds... check out the link below, which a friend recently drew to my attention on account of the gent featured having 'stolen my moves'....

Ok, I'm going to stop you-tubing like a 13 year old boy now.

So back to the job thing, unfortunately, there aren't actually any congratulations or well done's in order here, however grateful I am to the lovelies who have given me a good pat on the back for re-joining the realms of the employed (and those who have jumped on board for a few celebratory drinks tonight, yeehaa) because my efforts with bombarding the entire fashion and retail industry with copies of my CV and pleading cover letters didn't really pay off at all - my old job has pretty much just given me my job back.

Crappy anti-climax, I know, but however much I wish there was a more life inspiring story to tell (eg. going travelling around the world and severing all ties to society OR Lorraine Candy deciding she actually loved me bombarding her with adoration on Twitter and having to hire me at ELLE Magazine immediately...) this is an undeniably marvellous thing, and I'm rather chuffed indeed (if a little confused a bewildered) and am looking forward to lunching again with my former colleagues next week :)

As for the blog, I spose I'm keeping at it, if for nothing else then to remind me of the constantly looming threat to my job security which the recession has kindly ushered in. Also, because I love that I've found a new way of ranting and rambling, (I'm sure most people just zone me out now when I go off on one after my second glass of rose) even despite the fact that I've been accused of revealing far too much of my private life: either rendering myself completely 'un-dateable' OR providing the perfect spring board for anyone with stalker-esque tendencies... both are risks I am willing to take.

To continue in my self indulgent blogging, I will have a bit of a recap over the weekend of the things which I have proudly achieved over the past four weeks... or at least some of the things which have made it pretty bloody aweeesome to be temporarily unemployed............


I really have perfected my skills at making Hollandaise sauce over the past month, which has enabled me to eat an unhealthy quantity of my absolute favourite meal of Eggs Benedict.
Here are my very best instructions if you like serving a heart-attack on a plate for brekkie too:

OK, this isn't mine, this pic's off Google. Mine would look
waaay better ;) I will make it this weekend and photograph
the hell out of it. That is if I manage not to immediately wolf
down the whole thing.
  1. Using the heaviest pan possible (so it doesn't get insanely hot in 3 seconds) separate an egg yolk from the white (save the white for later and add it to the other egg you poach, everyone loves a double white) and pop it in the COLD pan with a tablespoon of cold water. Whisk together and turn up the heat just a teensy bit. The trick here is not to just scramble the yolk, or you have disaster-eggs-benny which is heartbreaking.
  2. Then, as it goes all frothy and saucy looking, add little bits of butter, bit by bit, waiting for each bit to melt before adding the next. It can take about half a stick of butter (this is clearly not for the calorie timid) and it's best to use unsalted, unless you want to speed up your heart attack ten-fold. 
  3. Once it starts looking yummy, you might need to turn up the heat a little bit, as this will make it thicken up and go all dreamy and delicious.
  4. Add lemon juice, to taste. I sometime pop in a cheeky drop of vinegar, cos I like my eggs benny to have a twang. 
  5. QUICK NOW - Sauce off hob, split an English muffin, get it down the toaster and poach 2 eggs (plus one extra white, you lucky tinker you)
  6. I like mine with smoked salmon, cos that's the posh kind of bird I am, but you can use ham, bacon or spinach if you're a veggie. (Interesting factoid: with salmon it's actually called Eggs Royale, with spinach it's Eggs Florentine and with Bacon it's Eggs Benedict - nice eh?) 
  7. Now you just need to assemble: Muffin - Salmon - Eggs - Hollandaise - and, of course, Black Pepper.
VOILA - YUM IN YOUR TUM... Ooooh I'm mega hungry now.

I have to head out now, it's the weekend and celebratory drinks certainly are in order.

I can't express how over joyed I feel to have weekends back - everyday might have been a weekend before, but it seriously was getting old. Oh and I have my beloved Friday's back, oh how I have missed you!


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