Saturday 23 April 2011

First boyfriends... and Hanson....

So I don't just spend all my time job hunting, facebooking and ranting about car boot sales on here... I cruised a little further into the internet-o-sphere this morning and found something which made me giggle my socks off and very much reminded me of some good (well, mainly good) old days.

It's a blog post by 3 highly witty girls who all figured out they'd had the same first-song as each other with their first boyfriends. They've each written a little letter to their first crushes and it's a must read, check it out here at the Fabricly Blog.

Now, I too am going get a little blast from the past fired up now, so you should probably play this link while you're reading the rest of this post, to set that 1990's ambience (and for other reasons which will emerge later...)

It got me rummaging around the dusty corners of my memory trying to recall what my first ever boyfriend-song was, as I thought this would be a pleasant thing to share on here: or at least it would give my mates a bit of a laugh (I do believe I made some rather questionable decisions in my school days, and my taste in music was a bit crap too...) 

Now, I honestly don't believe it was due to any kind of scarred emotional mind block of jittery brain butterflies but I came over all foggy and really was not sure how to determine who my first REAL boyfriend was. I mean, pinpointing your first love is a doddle, I can remember that as vividly as the trauma of the first time I broke a bone (vaulting over a gate, aged 12) or had the crushing realisation that we are all going to die... eventually so what is the point in... anything?!?! (watching the film Beaches, aged 11) or failing my driving test (yeah I still can't drive... I'll write a whole post about this heart break eventually). 
But between kiss chase, holding hands and being 'asked out' in secondary school - but never actually going anywhere at all - it's seems it was just as hard to determine what the parameters of an actual girlfriend/boyfriend relationship were back then as it increasingly is now... 

Going with the instincts of my earliest recollections, there was a particular pale, unintimidating boy from Year 6 who I definitely agreed to go absolutely no where with. He never kicked the ball at me full pelt in the playground and didn't blatantly pick his nose and eat it in the class room (although I do have theory that ALL men are culprits for this throughout their lives and once I have the stats and photographic evidence I will blow the lid off this...) so by my 11 year old standards he was a grade-A-dreamboat. As with all men, however, it did prevail that this man possessed one unavoidable flaw: his 1990s polyester Hanson wallet, which was decorated with an image of the three boys, looking vacant and approapriately bored with their lives, printed across the front and back. 
Not the exact item in question, but a very good example.
Oh my, I TOTALLY want one of these now....
Yep, he was a die hard, HANSON fan. All these teeny-bopping Belieber's who think they are unique in their besotted fixation on the young helmet-haired Justin Beiber clearly have no knowledge of the powerful allure of the 1990s boy band. For those who can't recall Hanson, they are those dorky kids who looked like girls with long flowing blonde mops of hair but made music which made you feel like everyday was a Saturday, and who you should be listening to right now if you were obedient and clicked the youtube link above.*

Anyway. Inspired by the brilliant girls on Fabricly, I am going to write a short letter to my first boyfriend, who I will keep anonymous in case by some freak chance he ends up actually coming across this...

* F.Y.I. I'm pretty sure the middle one, you know, the one who was neither oldest nor youngest and always stood in the middle... has now matured substantially into a rather a hot ticket, hair cut and everything. Actually, I'll try and find a piccy using the wonders of the internet.....

NOW: Very Pretty Man

THEN: Pretty Girl

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