Sunday 24 April 2011

Happy Chocolate Scoffing Day to all!

Not a long-un today cos I have to run outside and frolic in the Easter sunshine asap...

I couldn't possibly be more in love with this Bank Holiday weekend. We've been blessed with full on scorchio, stonkingly gorgeous weather, my bessies are in the area and off work and I feel slightly less conscious of my lack of job as the majority of the country is off work and settling into the blissful fantasy of an endless holiday (especially for those clever-clog tinkers who booked off the 3 days in between the long weekends!)

Long live the Bank Holiday weekends - and hurrah for making us unemployed feel slightly less alien. God bless Easter and Will and Kate and... May Day? I really need to do my Bank Holiday research... the most important thing I know is that the next one coincides with my Birthday... I never thought I'd turn 24 and not have a job. But  then all my friends will be in unemployed fantasy mode then, so Happy Days Galore.

You know what time it is everyone.....!!!

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