Monday 25 April 2011

My Marvellous (banana) Muffins....

Just thought for something a bit different, I'd share a recipe. These will sort out any post-Easter blues, and you might even have some left by the end of the week for your Royal Wedding party spread!

I seriously can not abide anyone who still has the remnants of yesterday's chocolate harvest still waiting for them in the fridge, as people with that much self control should be considered highly dangerous and committed under some kind of protection of the people act. Just imaging the millions of fridges which have now become chocolate and shiny foil graveyards makes me shudder inside, so, before you guilty culprits get dragged away to the loony bin, take out a bit of frustration on the sad dishevelled remains of your Easter Egg bounty by crushing em to bits and feed the morsels to my banana muffin mix which is delish and technically sin-free, as anything with fruit in the title counts as a health food, right?

Here are some I made earlier. I took this pic with my vintagey camera-phone app, so it looks a bit greenish. They aren't just old and mouldy though, honest!

Here's the recipe y'all:

3 well ripe bananas (see, this is handy for using up your brown nanas!)
125ml of Veg/Olive Oil
2 Large eggs
A nice, big dollop of honey
250g of Plain flour
1/2 teaspoon of Bicarbonate of soda
1 teaspoon of baking powder
80g of caster sugar
Some nutmeg (depending how much you like spice - you could leave this out if you're not partial)
A bit of cinnamon
150g of crushed up chocolate egg, white, dark - whatever. 
If you're a good little lamb and you've already eaten all your eggs then steal someone else's! Or just use cooking choccie or even little bits of butterscotch or toffee if you have it. I have a theory that these would be amazing with crushed up Crunchies in the mix, but I haven't been brave enough to try it yet!)

Time: As long as you get to it and don't dilly-dally around, it should only take you about 10 mins to mix all the ingredients together, and it takes about 15-20 mins in the oven. So you could go from nought to muffin in the time it takes to watch Enders. Can't argue with that!

[You should be able get 12 marvellous muffins out of this]

First) Don't forget to turn the oven on to about 200c to preheat - it's very tedious making the mixture and then having to wait for the oven to heat up

1) Right, straight in with the messy and fun bit, peel your nana's and mash them up in a bowl using a fork til they look a bit like liquid baby food. YUM.
2) Measure out your oil into a jug, then crack in the eggs and the dollop of honey - so that's all your 'wet' ingredients sorted.
3) Grab a good sized bowl and pop the flour, the bicarb and baking powder, the spices and sugar in there and make a bit of the hole in the middle - because that's where the wet stuff is going to get poured into. (You could sieve all these but I never do and my muffins are usually pretty super and I'm still alive... so it can't be that crucial)
4) Pour in the oil etc.. bit by bit whilst stirring. It will look pretty gross to begin with but keep going and it'll start to make more sense.
5) Then, stir in the banana mush :)
6) Finally fold in all your lovely bits of crushed up chocolate bunny, or whatever you've gone for.
7) Divide the mixture between 12 big muffin cases in muffin tray and pop in the oven for about 15-20 mins at 200 c - if you have a fan oven, like I do, then you'll probably only need the oven to be at about 150c.

Keep an eye on them for the last 5 mins, I know this is usually the best bit of Eastenders, but no one likes the failure of burnt muffins, it's heartbreak.

Once they're done, pop them on a pretty plate and stand back and feel the satisfaction of what you've just created! They're like sex on a plate if you eat them while they're still warm (hello melty chocolate bits) and perhaps with a dollop of ice cream :)

Merry Muffins!!

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